Current legislation that may interest you:
H0082 - Amends existing law to provide for the payment of depredation claims that are deemed possible by wolves and grizzly bears. This legislation is sponsored by Representative Jerald Raymond. The ICA supports H82. H82 has passed the House and is waiting to be heard on the Senate floor.
H0104 - Amends existing law to provide a definition for agricultural buildings and that counties shall not alter the provisions of the section. H104 is sponsored by Senator Brandon Shippy and Representative John Shirts. The bill passed the Senate and is headed to the Governor’s desk for a signature. ICA supports this legislation.
H0148 - Adds to existing law to provide assistance to individuals litigating against the federal government on claims specific to grazing and water rights. H148 is sponsored by Representative Chris Bruce and Representative Shawn Dygert. The bill is waiting to be heard in the Senate. The ICA supports H148. .
H302 - Amends existing law to provide for notification of a proposed transplant or relocation of wildlife and approval from a board of county commissioners if a hearing on the same is requested and to require testing of certain animals. H302 is being brought forward by Representative Pickett but will not be moving this year.
H303 - Adds to existing law to establish provisions regarding satisfaction of a warning to consumers or the public on products used in growing food or fiber. H303 is sponsored by Representative Pickett and Representative Shirts. ICA is neutral on the legislation.
HJM3 - States findings of the Legislature and calls on Congress to repeal the Corporate Transparency Act. HJM3 is sponsored by Representative Jordan Redman. The ICA supports HJM3 as many of our family-owned ranching businesses would fall under the purview of the act and create more reporting requirements and red tape.
HJM4 - States findings of the Legislature and calls upon the federal government to delist grizzly bears and review the Endangered Species Act. HJM4 is sponsored by Representative Jerald Raymond, Representative Judy Boyle, and Senator Van Burtenshaw. The ICA supports HJM4.
HJM6 - States findings of the Legislature and calls on Congress to amend the Equal Access to Justice Act. This joint memorial is brought by Representative Mark Sauter. The ICA supports HJM6 as we have policy that calls for reform of EAJA.
S1012 - Amends and adds to existing law to establish the Idaho Depredating Wildlife Appeals Board and to exempt the board from open meeting requirements. S1012 is sponsored by Senator Van Burtenshaw and Representative Judy Boyle. The bill passed out of the House Resources and Conservation Committee this past week and passed out of the House on a vote of 65-3-2. The ICA supports S1012.
S1016 - Amends and adds to existing law to revise provisions regarding certain fees affecting the Idaho Brand Board. The legislation will be sponsored by Senator Van Burtenshaw. S1016 updates fees and adjusts several provisions in Idaho Code regarding the Idaho Brand Department. The ICA supports S1016. S1016 will be heard in the House Agricultural Affairs Committee on March 12.
S1033 - Amends and adds to existing law to provide penalties for certain complaints filed against agricultural operations. S1033 is sponsored by Senator Todd Lakey and Representative Judy Boyle. The ICA supports S1033. S1033 will be heard in the House Agricultural Affairs Committee on March 12.
S1053 - Amends existing law to provide for landowner responsibility for erecting and maintaining fences adjoining federal lands. S1053 is sponsored by Senator Mark Harris and Representative Judy Boyle. The ICA supports S1053 as it simply codifies case law and the general principles of open range.
S1062 - Amends existing law to establish requirements for commercial land use authorizations on state endowment land. S1062 is sponsored by Senator Van Burtenshaw, Representative Jerald Raymond, and Representative Rod Furniss. The ICA has engaged with the bill sponsors over the last two sessions to prevent any unanticipated effects to those producers that have state land leases. The ICA appreciates the opportunity to work with the bill sponsors in making sure there is no disruption to producers that hold state land leases.
S1063 - Amends existing law to provide a definition for “small-scale livestock”. S1063 is sponsored by Senator Tammy Nichols. The ICA is neutral on S1063.
S1076 - Amends existing law to establish provisions regarding temporary rules and to revise provisions regarding temporary rules. S1076 is sponsored by Senator Jim Guthrie. The ICA reviewed the bill and is neutral.
S1086 - Adds to existing law to establish provisions regarding a violation of landowner rules for permissible use. This legislation is brought by Senator Mark Harris. The ICA supports S1086. S1086 passed the Senate and is waiting to be heard in the House Resources and Conservation Committee.
S1128 - Adds to existing law to provide for the funding of water infrastructure projects. The legislation is sponsored by Senator Van Burtenshaw. S1128 passed out of the Senate and is waiting to be heard in the House Resources and Conservation Committee. ICA supports S1128.